Environmental Management

New Build
First in the UK
Surf Bristol Ltd

Construction of a 200m inland Surf Lake using ground-breaking Wavegarden cove technology – the first of its kind in the UK. This exciting facility will generate up to 1,000 quality waves per hours, ranging from 50cm (1.7ft) to almost 2m (6.5ft) in height.

The new build also includes an education centre for schools and colleges, a café and bar, a surf shop. There’s also external works for landscaped gardens and car parks

We are committed to reducing any adverse environmental effects of our operations to a practicable minimum, and we continually work with our customers, consultants, supply chain partners and local stakeholders to agree and develop solutions that are sympathetic to the local environment and community.

We have developed formal Environmental Management Procedures which have been registered as meeting the requirements of ISO 14001:2015. Our H&S Manager Justin Kingdom, along with our Board of Directors regularly review, and where necessary, refine and strengthen our procedures to reflect our aims for continual environmental improvement.

In order to reduce environmental risk at every stage of each project, we develop specific Environmental Risk Assessments which are implemented during the design, procurement, construction and post occupation stages. These Risk Assessments focus on minimising issues such as; environmental pollution, dust, noise, vibration, contamination of water and light pollution.

We promote environmental benefits through:

  • Site Waste Management Plans
  • Adopting SMARTWaste® to reduce waste to landfill
  • Environmental Management Plans
  • Register each project under the Considerate Constructor Scheme
  • Implement Green Travel Plans

We work with our clients to intelligently develop, design and construct solutions which can deliver long-term and value-for-money results.

By implementing sustainable standards such as BREEAM and Passivhaus, we have incorporated into projects a range of low energy / low carbon solutions including; ground source heat pumps, photovoltaics, combined heat & power, wind turbines, variable air volume controls and occupancy sensors for heating, lighting and ventilation. We have also recently invested in hybrid plant and vehicles for staff in order to reduce carbon emissions.