rocktron international limited

New Build
First in the UK
Surf Bristol Ltd

Construction of a 200m inland Surf Lake using ground-breaking Wavegarden cove technology – the first of its kind in the UK. This exciting facility will generate up to 1,000 quality waves per hours, ranging from 50cm (1.7ft) to almost 2m (6.5ft) in height.

The new build also includes an education centre for schools and colleges, a café and bar, a surf shop. There’s also external works for landscaped gardens and car parks

client - rocktron int ltd

value - £5m

duration - 52 weeks

new process plant

We undertook the construction of a new process plant for the beneficiation of power station PFA (pulverised fuel ash) comprising: Main process building, 2,000t storage building, office & mess facility, vacuum pumps and compressor building, transformers, oil tank foundations and bund and a new gatehouse.